Monday, March 31, 2008

Parenting Advice

I love when people you've never even seen before offer up their take on how you should raise your children. For instance, while perusing the yogurt section at Whole Foods today I heard someone behind me say "Well, if that isn't the Gerber baby!" This is not an uncommon comment about Liv... especially when I have her little tuft of hair sticking up! I probably hear this about 5 times a week and usually I smile and have a little chat with the person about how old she is or whatever other questions they pose. This woman, who was probably in her mid-thirties, smiled and said something about how cute Liv was. I thanked her and went back to reading the ingredient label on the yogurt I was considering. Then, right after she passed us, she turned around to me and said "You should always have your eyes on your baby... ALWAYS." What? It's not like I had left Liv on another aisle or even 3 feet from me... my hand was holding her foot for crying out loud! Does this woman seriously think it's possible to do any sort of shopping, let alone grocery shopping including disecting ingredient labels, with both eyes firmly glued to your child? Get a clue woman! I know there are wackos out there and I am always very attentive to Liv but I also believe that most of the general public are probably pretty nice, decent folks and that if I happen to avert my eyes from my daughter for, oh say, 30 seconds to read a yogurt container, that most people passing by will smile at her rather than harm her. Perhaps I'm too trusting but I don't think so... I really do believe most people can resist the urge to kidnap a child who is strapped into a grocery cart and whose mother has a firm grasp on her foot!


Wallace said...

i dont know. i think maybe you should consider one of those kid leashes. you can have her strapped into the cart but also leashed onto your wrist. maybe have her wear a helmet too.

Jon and Missy K said...

You could borrow Mavericks puppy leash if you decide to go with Meg's idea... he grew out of it already. He has a training collar now, which you should think of for when Liv is in her terrible twos! They work miracles!

jenni said...

i think this is my biggest pet peeve ever!! why do people feel the need to say things?? it is so frustrating.

Eric and Meg said...

dont cha just wish you could command spit up on these kinds of people.... liv could have just fetched her a big one! i swear, it seems like the minute you get pregnant every one wants to tell ya want to do, when to do it and how to do it... then the kid is born and oh my, way worse then strangers wanting to rub your belly let me tell ya!